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VertexAI Models

Model Support updated: July 22, 2024


While VertexAI supports many models, including those from Anthropic, Meta, and Mistral, each of these models has a unique API through VertexAI. Some models are already available through endpoints while others, like Gemma-2 or Llama-3, must be deployed to an endpoint before being usable. These deployed endpoints also use a different API. At this time, TrustGraph supports the core family of models available directly through the VertexAI API.

Below is the list of TrustGraph compatible models supported through the VertexAI API:

  • Gemini-1.5-Flash-001
  • Gemini-1.5-Pro-001
  • Gemini Experimental
  • Gemini-1.0-Pro-002
  • Gemini-1.0-Pro-001