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Neo4j Visualizer

The default knowledge graph store for TrustGraph is Cassandra. The Cassandra stores do not provide any way to visualize the knowledge graph. For visualization, TrustGraph also supports Neo4j. There are separate Docker Compose files to choose the Neo4j graph store instead of Cassandra.


Cassandra is the default graph store for TrustGraph as the integration has been optimized for RDF triples. Neo4j is not compatible with RDF style knowledge graphs, meaning there is a degradation in entity resolution to convert to a Neo4j compatible format. TrustGraph has chosen to utilize RDF because of its ability to label knowledge with more granularity. Using Neo4j for graph visualization may have the tradeoff of decreasing entity resolution.

To access the Neo4j dashboard, go to:


The dashboard uses default user/pass credentials:

user: neo4j
password: password